Creepy Beasties, Inc.

Halloween is coming up, so here’s a good logic puzzle. Can you determine who’s who based on the story I give below?

At Creepy Beasties, Inc., three of the most dreaded animals, a spider, a snake, and a rat, sat in their boardroom in silence while they awaited their boss. Then, Mr. Spider broke the silence.

“Isn’t it odd that our surnames match our species, yet none of our surnames match our own?”

The snake replied, “Yeah, but does anybody give a crap?”

They sat in silence again.

Ant on a Cube

Suppose there is an ant in one corner of a cube. Every second, the ant moves from one corner to an arbitrary neighboring one along one of the three available edges. What is the expected time until the ant comes back to the starting corner?

Throwing a Hundred Sided Dice

Two people are taking turns throwing a hundred sided die. The game continues until someone throws a number larger than the number thrown by the opponent on the previous turn. What is the probability that the person who throws first wins the game?

Example: 4 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 5 => First player wins
Example: 6 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 4 => Second player wins