How many moves?
If Black just made a move in this game, what is the minimum amount of moves that have been played?
8 moves example:
1. f3 Nf6
2. Kf2 Ng8
3. Ke3 Nf6
4. Kd3 Ng8
5. Ke4 Nf6
6. Ke3 NNg8
7. Kf2 Nf6
8. Ke1 Ng8
In order to see that 8 is the minimum number of moves, notice that Black could only move rooks and knights, and therefore he has made an even number of moves. This implies that White has made
John D. Beasley is a multi-faceted chess composer and author. He has written several books, including "The Mathematics of Games", "The Ins and Outs of Peg Solitaire" or "Endgame Magic".